Sunday, September 25, 2011



I know there are countless abortion blogs out there, for and against, and maybe there's no real reason to add yet another to the mix. This is really a place for me to think through all the various complicated and challenging questions about abortion, euthanasia, health care, and education: anything that relates to promoting life over death. I welcome comments and discussion; however, I will be judicious in deleting comments that do not contribute constructively to an intellectual conversation.

I'd also like to try to fight some common pro-choice misconceptions regarding pro-lifers. First of all, "Get your rosaries off my ovaries" may be a great slogan, but it disregards the fact that even religious pro-lifers can and do promote secular arguments as well. That's exactly what I will do here. Although I am religious, and my religion is a factor in my views, the secular evidence against abortion and other related issues is more than enough to make a convincing case in support of life. Therefore I will not make arguments based on my faith, but only on science and moral ethics. Second, pro-choicers often accuse those in support of life of complete indifference to those outside the womb. This is a simple falsehood born, I suppose, of willful ignorance. Religious and secular pro-life organizations both provide help and comfort not only to babies, but to mothers, families, single men and women, and the elderly. Being pro-life means supporting the intrinsic value (some say sanctity) of life at every stage.

Looking forward to it!